Do I lose my data if my account is not renewed?

No you don’t. If your account is not renewed, your projects will switch into read-only mode. You will be given 30-days for renewal and after that period your owner account will be suspended and no one will be able to access your projects. Your data will remain on our servers. You’ll retain the possibility to work with projects of other account owners.

My trial period is over. What happens now?

Your account will be changed back to a Free Account. The projects you own will be archived, but you’ll be able to work on projects of other users and create Erasmus+ Proposals. To access your projects subscribe for a regular account by going to Profile Billing. Your account has been suspended and you won’t be able to access your projects. To subscribe for a regular account go to your Profile Billing. Choose your package and payment method and after the payment is processed you’ll … Continued

Can I get an invoice?

Yes, of course. The invoice is generated automatically as a part of the ordering process. If you made a mistake in data, or wish to make changes for any reason, please contact us ASAP after ordering. 

How can I obtain AdminProject?

You can gain access to AdminProject by signing up for the service. It is unavailable as software to buy and install.

How can I pay for my package?

You need to go to your profile page and select billing tab. There is a link taking you to a Paypal page where you can pay with a credit card and a button that generates bank transfer details.