Target your discussions!

Hot improvements storm has also reached the Discussions module. Like with the Files module we have done some work in response to your comments. In projects with heated discussions people were receiving hundreds of notification e-mails. That was basically to keep everyone informed on what is happening in the project. Many of you, however wanted to have more control over notifications originating from new discussion posts. Especially when a discussion’s subject does not require your attention or involvement. Now, when starting … Continued

Soft-delete functionality: security & flexibility

Two days ago you had a chance to read a bit on how the Files module changed to make things easier. If you’ve missed that part, check it here. We promised to follow up with more on soft-delete functionality. If you’ve been waiting to see what is it all about, this post will clarify this feature. Ready to get started? Go! Soft-delete – what’s that? Everyone knows and occasionally uses Recycle Bin on a Windows or Mac machine. We all take it … Continued

Files module just got easier!

What’s up, hard working EU-projects managers? As you remember from our latest post on hot new features, we promised to follow up with more detailed explanations on new functionalities. In this post, we’ll try to focus on Files module. As the title suggests, managing files in your project just got easier, and we’re happy to share a few bits of information with you. We’ve received a number of suggestions on how to make Files module more user-friendly. Honestly, we were … Continued

Hot new features available!

New features are just like croissants. It would be good to have them everyday, wouldn’t it? This deep thought can possibly come from non-French Europeans 🙂 Our last post is dated almost one month ago. Honestly, we’re not proud of it at all. We’ve been working days and nights to bring you cool new features to AdminProject. Now is the time to share with you some highlights of what’s been changed. We’re excited to let you know, that we addressed mostly these areas, … Continued