Streamlined file management

We have made a long way and learned from our own experience that file management is central to keeping your project neat and organised. As promised, we are bringing you an overview of another feature improved in the Files module. Our aim was to simplify and streamline the management of files within one project space. In short: you can highlight several files and folders and move, delete or download them with one click. Now the longer version and more detailed … Continued

Soft-delete functionality: security & flexibility

Two days ago you had a chance to read a bit on how the Files module changed to make things easier. If you’ve missed that part, check it here. We promised to follow up with more on soft-delete functionality. If you’ve been waiting to see what is it all about, this post will clarify this feature. Ready to get started? Go! Soft-delete – what’s that? Everyone knows and occasionally uses Recycle Bin on a Windows or Mac machine. We all take it … Continued

Hot new features available!

New features are just like croissants. It would be good to have them everyday, wouldn’t it? This deep thought can possibly come from non-French Europeans 🙂 Our last post is dated almost one month ago. Honestly, we’re not proud of it at all. We’ve been working days and nights to bring you cool new features to AdminProject. Now is the time to share with you some highlights of what’s been changed. We’re excited to let you know, that we addressed mostly these areas, … Continued

AdminProject is getting ready for Erasmus+ projects

Several newly developed modules for Erasmus+ projects. Erasmus+ applications had been submitted by the end of April and some of them are already being approved for financing by your National Agencies. Because the beginning of September is coming soon, and most of the projects are going to launch right from the first day, we want to be ready. We are currently in the final stages of testing new modules and they will be available for you from the 1st September.  … Continued

Files – functionality and safety

There are plenty of places on-line where you can store your files. Dropbox, SkyDrive, GoogleDrive – just to name a few. Why should you store your files in AdminProject? We’ll tell you why. They are safe, accessed and linked with several modules with ease. Say, you are a part of a task that requires several documents or ran a dissemination event and need to upload some photos. Our solutions make it quick and intuitive without the need to resort to … Continued