New Year, New Stuff

Second week into the new year brings a few new elements to AdminProject. Most of them are subtle and difficult to notice if you are not diligently looking for pieces that changed. Last month we introduced a meeting planner where you and your project team can figure out the best time for your meetings. Now, in a meeting planner and evaluation module, you can notify interested parties and ask them to respon. Below you can see what does it look like … Continued

Evaluation – questionnaires made easy

Evaluation is yet another element of literally every EU-funded project. Those who decide to fund our project would like to know if the money is well spent, if all the processes go as planned or if the beneficiaries are happy with the results. Before AdminProject, we had to resort to third-party tools to prepare our evaluation questionnaires. Later they were to be exported and added to whatever platform we were using to collaborate. We have decided to develop a module that … Continued