AdminProject is a communication/navigation platform that a project coordinator can only dream about! I am involved in EU Commission and Council of Europe (www.ecml.at) projects since 2003 and have been using various other communication platforms (for example, moodle, wiggio; etc.), but none were as user-friendly, efficient, convenient, reliable and diverse as AdminProject is.
As a project coordinator communication is the essence of good project management. It is important to have a clear record of various discussion threads and make it easy and appealing for project partners to join in these discussions and let their voices be heard. It also helps to be able to search for specific messages that have been posted over a duration, typically two years, of a project. All these features can be found in the AdminProject.
Another important feature of a high quality platform is the storing of files; the creation of folders and sub-folders without any hassle and in an easy way, so that every partner can upload/download/find/edit files that they are working on. In a two year period a lot of files can be produced by a partnership and it is essential that there is a user-friendly interface in place that has a clear structure. Partners often do not have the time to search for specific files.
All project activities are available features on AdminProject as this has been specifically tailored in order to fit the requirements of the Erasmus+ programme projects; there is nothing missing. For example, project summary, finance, dissemination and evaluation, which is a must for any project that will conduct research. And in the “tools” section one can find the discussion forum, the files archive, intellectual outputs, LTT activities, multiplier events, Gantt chart, calendar, meeting planner, tasks and not to be forgotten for project meeting’s eternal memories there is the gallery section. Everything is available in one place.
This communication platform also comes with its own support team. Danmar Computers’ staff are always available if a partner has any specific questions about using the platform; they will answer any query in a down to earth approach without any technical jargon involved. What else could a busy project manager ask for?
With all the support that this platform can offer to the various users it is so much easier to concentrate on the actually project results and outcomes. Something every project coordinator will value in order to conduct and lead a successful project with valuable outcomes.
In conclusion I can admit that I am a true AdminProject fan 😉