Spring Update

The weather has already been introducing spring updates. The cold days are gone and warmth is taking their place. We can’t say our developers woke up from the winter nap, because they were working the whole time to make AdminProject better. The recent addition was already presented in two previous posts: Free Erasmus+ proposal builder tool and Is it really free? Of course it is. Though the deadline for KA2 proposal has already passed the builder may become useful again in the following months … Continued

Evaluation – questionnaires made easy

Evaluation is yet another element of literally every EU-funded project. Those who decide to fund our project would like to know if the money is well spent, if all the processes go as planned or if the beneficiaries are happy with the results. Before AdminProject, we had to resort to third-party tools to prepare our evaluation questionnaires. Later they were to be exported and added to whatever platform we were using to collaborate. We have decided to develop a module that … Continued