Each post provides a great opportunity to uncover new elements of AdminProject. Recently, we have added a drawer that will help you in finding what you are looking for. AdminProject lets you search though discussions, files and tasks. Filters and sorting buttons vary depending on the module you want to search through.
Let’s look at what it looks like in Discussions module.
When you open the list of topics you’ll see several links that are used to sort discussions within the project. Discussions can be sorted by the number of responses to see which topics make people most engaged in discussion. Sorting by views will immediately let you know how which topic have been read most or least often. If you feel like having topics with new posts on top (it is the default setting), click the Unread link. Clicking on a link again will reverse the sorting order.
Search through filtering can be accessed by clicking the funnel icon on the right. It will bring up a drawer where search details can be specified.
Here, you search through all threads for matching topics, text, author or the posting date. You can use one criteria or all at once. It becomes very practical when you want to be very specific, or find that one post where someone left a piece of very important information.
Tasks and files are quite similar. The forms will appear after clicking the funnel icon. The first screenshot comes from files. As you can see files can be filtered by name, date and by the name of the person who has uploaded them.
Tasks already had some filters that were mainly focusing on these tasks you are involved in – as a participant or owner. Now you can search for tasks with a specific word in their name. Ones that fit within the time-frame you are interested in. Or simply tasks owned and performed by specific people.
You will find those tools useful, because over time your project can grow so much it may become difficult to find anything that we would like to have access to. Sifting through lengthy discussions on many topics, hundreds of files and a multitude of tasks should give you the results in a matter of milliseconds.