Things can be dealt with very simply

I like AdminProject because it helps the partnership organise its work. The condition is, naturally, that everyone learns to use it properly, and then things can be dealt with very simply. The task setting structure is particularly helpful, as is to be reminded of the ‘open’ tasks via email. It is also really good to have a built-in structure where surveys can be developed for the project team members, such as at the end of each transnational project meeting. I … Continued

Only AdminProject fulfils our expectations

We are excited working with AdminProject, and very satisfied with its unique features. There is so many project management software available, but only AdminProject fulfils our expectations in EU-specific environment, and we really tried quite a couple of them. Since the very first day working with AdminProject we appreciated its nice and clean interface, ease of use and overall user experience. By using it, we have definitely given a boost to us as a company in terms of getting the … Continued

Simplified and improved management

AdminProject has truly simplified and improved the management of my Projects! I started to use it with one project and soon realize its really friendly features, deciding to extend it to all other projects. I bought it for my own company and I am now disseminating its use to all my team members, who are very happy with it! We all find it a really worthy software!

User friendly and cost effective

From 1st January 2013 we begin using Admin Project as our preferred tool for all our project management systems as we feel that our current PMS has become “tired” and past its shelf life. We needed a system that is customisable not static. Danmar Computers and Admin Project tick all these boxes for compiling the reporting structures we need. Appearance, navigation and user friendliness are important factors to our staff as the training is timely and cost effective.

Everything in one place

Each class is a different project. By having many subjects and groups it is easy to omit something. Before, I had been using a regular notepad but I realized that AdminProject is an excellent tool to have everything in one place. It doesn’t matter if I’m at college, at home or at a café, all my tasks, documents and necessary information are in one place. It makes me more organized and helps me in effective preparation for my classes.

Best Project Navigation System

Sailors use navigation systems to sail from one port to another. AdminProject does just that for me in project world. It navigates the project roadmap and informs about important milestones. It analyses all units engaged and shows their progress on route. In a friendly and easy way, it guides you safely to reach your destination. Since 2012, people engaged in any kind of projects can use AdminProject as their navigation system. From preparations, kick-off meetings, flexible organization, task monitoring, information flow … Continued

My project partners are happy

I am using this platform and all what I can say is professional, strong support is provided hassle free. It makes my life very easy and in a couple of clicks I can have full control of my duties, deadlines and project updates. My projects partners are happy.

Full control of our project

We, Çukurova University Adana Turkey, have installed AdminProject for the EU Projects and are using the resources heavily. It is very professional and thanks to AdminProject our project life and circle is not difficult anymore because in a click or two we can have full control of our project updates, duties and deadlines.

Ideally suited

AdminProject is the simple one stop shop for all your project management needs. Its intuitive, user friendly interface and simple layout makes it an easy to use and highly effective management tool. It is ideally suited to all types of projects especially those relating to EU funding.

It is simple to set up and manage

We are using this platform for about a year now and we are very pleased. It is simple to set up and manage. It enables us to keep track on work progress and to keep all partners aware of the milestones. It’s really a great project management tool that can easily be used for all kinds of European co-financed projects but also for managing the projects we develop for private clients.