Manage Erasmus+ with AdminProject

The deadline for Erasmus+ proposals in Education and Training for strategic partnership in sectors: Schools, Higher Education, VET and Adult education has just expired. We hope that all your proposals made it in time and now are waiting to be reviewed. Before it happens you may start shopping around for the best project management platform for your team. Well, look no further, at least for now. If you haven’t tried the only project management system tailored to Erasmus+ requirements, now is … Continued

AdminProject is online!

We are proud to let you know that after intensive development works, the new version of AdminProject is online! It was a huge challenge to all of us at Danmar Computers. We’ve learned our lesson by talking to you and taking your invaluable comments and opinions into account. We have to admit, that we couldn’t be in this place where we are today without your help.