The POODLE vulnerability and AdminProject

It was published on Twitter and Google+ already few days back, that we changed some background mechanisms which are responsible for encrypting everything that goes in or out with AdminProject. The problem was discovered by Google team and published on October 14th on the Security Blog.  Basically here’s what the trouble is: SSL (Secure Socket Layer) is a security mechanism used for years by many pages. Every SSL-enabled page establishes an encrypted tunnel between your browser and the server, so even … Continued

AdminProject 2.0 – What’s new?

It’s now been almost a year since we had launched our first version of AdminProject. Having received lots of feedback from many users and by using it for our company as well, we felt that something was amiss, that we can do better than this. Such conclusion led us to where we are now, to the new version of AdminProject. What’s new in AdminProject 2.0 then? Long story short – EVERYTHING.