We have added a gallery feature to AdminProject. We think that it may be useful for documenting project meetings and project related events like dissemination actions or conferences. The main purpose of the feature is to have a viewable photo gallery so we’ve limited upload to jpg files (as this is the most common output format for the majority of digital cameras). Of course, you can still upload other file types to other directories in the Files module. Your photos can be grouped in galleries and viewed as a slideshow. Larger images will be scaled to the size of your window. Play around, try uploading some files and let us know what you think.
Now, here’s how you create a gallery. Go into Tools Gallery and click Create a new gallery.
Enter the name of your gallery, confirm, and click on the box with a temporary thumbnail with AP logo.
Upload photos using Select Files button or by dragging and dropping them into the grey rectangle.
Once they upload, you will be taken to the thumbnail gallery with the photos. Here you can click and view them manually or start a slideshow.